Mototrip to Magadan: We reached the other continent

od Jozef Heuger

8th July, Monday

Route: Torbuja – Berdyžje
Total km: 5 450

Guys eat the leftovers in the morning. I try to sleep a bit more and I leave without breakfast. Our GPS has Omsk City as a goal, we are one day behind schedule so we go with the shortest and the fastest route. There is not much to write. We drive all day long. The land is boring and monotonous. There is one flat land between swamps and birch groves. Only two roundabouts in 500 kilometres. Eto vsjo. (In Russian: that´s all). Just straight ahead. We entertain ourselves with filming acrobatic giggles on the motorbikes. There is nothing else to do. We “wake up” almost in the end of the day because the road was in very bad condition. Drive in footsteps makes the blood to flow again.

The settlement becomes thinner and there is less and less petrol stations. We would have to refill more often. We are really tired and there is no sign of accommodation. GPS shows hotel in the closest village. Very happy we park and unpack. The host prepares dinner and we go shopping to the grocery shop. After today´s experience and fear that we will sleep outside and without food made us to have good reserves.

9th July 2018, Tuesday

Route: Berdyžje – Kalačinsk
Total km: 5 995

Milan and Paťo wind the kitchen functions. They prepare scrambled eggs from eggs as white as alabaster. They must feed the chickens with meat and bone powder and they have never seen grass.  We continue with the same rhythm as yesterday. Never-ending flat land. That enables us to make the average of 120 km/h per day. Yes, it is a lot. There are radars everywhere but they face the front part of the motorbike without the numberplate so we just ignore them. I hope that no one will stop and show us a thick book of pictures because they will not let us home. The weather is good, 20 degrees and cloudy. We successfully void the rainy clouds in the distance. I do not even know how and the day is over. At 5:30 PM we have lunch and at 7:00 PM we park outside of the accommodation. I entertain myself with writing until 2:00 AM.

10th July, Wednesday

Route: Kalačinsk – Novosibirsk
Total km: 6 635

We deal with time shift. We have 5 hours more than in Slovakia. It is nice in the evening but we miss that our in the morning. Only 5 hours of sleep disturbs me again. I’m tired the whole day and i do not enjoy the ride. I try to make the mood with listening to my favourite folklore. These last days are mainly about fast and straight riding and thinking in my helmet. Days like this are needed as well. I wish there was at least a shit on the road so i can move the bike a bit. There is 26 degrees. It is a little too much mainly when we stop.

We do not have to talk about the fact that we drive fast. When overtaking tailback that seems pointless, full then not that full and we suddenly understand its meaning. It is lead by police car. That almost falls to pieces when we pass by in 130 km/h speed. They do not turn on the blue lights so we continue. After 520 km I ask to finish the day. I am about to have a collapse. Milan kills me by saying the information about the nearest accommodation. 120 or 200 km. I choose the first one hoping they have something available. Today is my worst day.

Not very nice hotel offers clean accommodation. We park the motorbikes in front of the entrance and the host recommends us to take all the baggage off. I am very grateful in that moment. There is some flying insect. If it´s not mosquitoes then micro-flies. It´s amount is so big that it is almost impossible to inhale without eating some of them. Me and Marty have two hour long nap after the dinner. I missed a lot in writing all the memories. I woke up at 10:30 and I write. My limit is maximum until 1:00 AM. It was worth it! I wake up in the morning in a very good mood and finally I had a good night sleep.

Route that we’ve made during „this article“

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